What Im learning in science is the metric system .We did some activitys to help us understand the metric system . Some of the measuring items such as counters , pipes , pencils , paper clips , and boxes . We also did an activity were we make paper frogs jump and we measure how far they jump . Our teacher Mrs.Poole said that the metric system is important if u want to be a good scientist . She has explained that mesuring can be tricky if  you dont start from the zero .The thing were studing yesterday was caulating volume lenght and height which method is v times h times w .

     What traits do I get from my parents? Well I get my height fom my father. I get my eyes from my mother. I get my nose shape from my mother's sister my aunt. My sister gets her hazel eyes from my mother's brother my uncle but my sister got most have her traits from my father. My father has white skin and tall and big thats my sisters body shape and skin color. 
     My younger sister gets most of her charectristics from her father. She has almost black eyes and she gets her black hair from my mother. Shes not very tall she gets that trait from her father. Also she has thick her from her father. We all got some traits from our parents!
       I know that cells are working even if I don't feel circalation. I know this because without cells working my body would give out and I would die. Cells have many jobs and if my cells didn't do their jobs correctly a lot of things would go wrong. So thats I know that my cells are working and cirrcalating properly. My science teacher Mrs. Poole taught us this and assighned us a page in the IR  book that really helped me improve my understanding of cells. Although you can not see it, hear it, or feel it your cells are in fact circalating.There are many ways you can tell if your cells are moving. 1 is if your cells stop mioving you would die. 2 is if you feel your body unusal