How do Monday blogs affect me? Well, thanks to the Monday blog I sometimes remember the  things I write about. Then in math if my teacher decides to talk about it, I will remember the blog I wrote. Of course what i write on my blogs here, sometimes aren't as accurate as i would like them to be. I do, research on what they assign  but like my blogs the internet is also not so accurate. Although many things on this  blog are true. I hope they help people who are struggling with some subjects. 
  This Math blog, has been fun to write. To share my knowledge and the things that I have learned. I can say that I have improved in this class. When I first got on this computer, I could barely type. Now I can type well.  I'm still a little slow but eventually, I will be really fast. All in all, this blog was a great way to memorize Math equations, formulas, and little riddles that have helped me in my math class. I remember things that I wrote about at the beginning of the school year.
          Last semester I learned many things. Unfortunately, because of winter break i don't remember all of them. Their is one thing that stuck with me. Integers,  adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying them. I think this stuck with me because i struggled with integers. Mostly subtracting and adding, I had to really try better than my best to comprehend how to subtract really simple integers. I now get half of what the teacher talks about when the teacher talks about integers. That's a huge accomplishment for me, since i didn't get it at all when we started. 
                             One thing I remember about integers is if your subtracting form a integer technically your adding negative. I don't how to explain but that's what my teacher said. It really sunk in. 
                         The difficulties of this game was that I had forgotten it was from top to bottom and I did it from bottom to top so I got some wrong. The rest of the game was easy except for the fractions and decimals. Those were hard because first I was subtracting and adding whole numbers then I move on to the fractions part and it gets hard. I always struggled a little with fractions and decimals. I think that the fractions can be the most challenging. But if you don't have trouble with it then that will be very easy for you. Now that I have had other teachers review them it gets easier every time I do them! 
        We use the closed dot for equal to and greater than or equal to. We use the opened dot for greater than or less. If you put a arrow with a closed dot on an equation that's only greater than or less than, you would think that numbers included when its not. That would make the whole equation wrong. In my Pre- algerbra I didn't understand it so well but I didn't ask questions. But when I did it got easier then I thought it would be. It can be easier then you think it is because, if you don't ask then it will get harder every time you don't ask a teacher to help you. But if you do ask then it will probably get easier. 
                       Exponets are numbers that are meing multiplyed by that number. For example 5 and 5 as an exponet. You have to multiple 5 and 5. Like this 5x5x5x5x5, exponets simplfy that to look smaller. At first I didn't get it, this was in the 3rd or 4th grade. Then my teacher explained it like how I did right now. These exponets are just a way of simplfing. 
              So that's what exponents are, they can be confusing but all you have ti think about is its a way of simplification.
   I am currently syudying fractions in my pre- algebra class. We are reviewing about cross multiply and lots more with fractions . One of the lessons we did to get a better idea of fractions is a page in our text book that helped me alot it refreshed my memory . We also did adding and subtracting fractions . I learned that you have to change the  bottom demonator if they 're not the same .Fractions for me arent easy but this lessons really helped me alot . I have also learned yhat if you multiply fractions you can  multiply straight across without changing the bottom denominator  .
                      Dividing fractions is a little bit different .When you divide fractions you first switch  the second fraction . Then you turn the division sign into a multiplacation .  
There is alot  of numbers between 0 and .1. Its like counting from 1 to  one thousnad. So there is alot of numbers between 0 and 1.. Its like this .1 and then .2 it goes on and on tell it gets to 1. . It is like this for all numbers and decimals. The list keeps growing and growing like in numbers the are an infinite amount it will never stop it will grow and grow. The list can go on forever.