Today, in French we had a fashion show. We showed off our clothing and model to a song we picked. It was fun, but kind of embarrassing, at first. Then when everyone was done. We made bloopers! It was hilarious. Some of the guys danced  to a Michael Jackson. They did the moonwalk, and sang along  to the song.  Then my friends and I went up and danced to a popular Tribal song. We shook our arms, hips, and heads. We probably looked really silly, but it was fun! 
    Then we did a conga line. That was the funniest part. I was in it to we shook our hips and laughed at our weirdness. Then a group of people requested the Harlem shake. The got in a big circle and did the Harlem shake.  Some other girls did back flips and front flips. It truly was fun. I got to see some awesome moves, and other sides of shy kids I didn't even think they had. I will rember this

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