Exponets are numbers that are meing multiplyed by that number. For example 5 and 5 as an exponet. You have to multiple 5 and 5. Like this 5x5x5x5x5, exponets simplfy that to look smaller. At first I didn't get it, this was in the 3rd or 4th grade. Then my teacher explained it like how I did right now. These exponets are just a way of simplfing. 
              So that's what exponents are, they can be confusing but all you have ti think about is its a way of simplification.
11/16/2012 01:58:50 am

You have to much indentation. You also don't have a paragraph and a half. You have two mistakes in here you have meing instead of being an ti instead of to.

11/30/2012 01:43:17 am

You have to many spaces in some words, try explaining more detail's, and check your spelling, but good job!


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