How do Monday blogs affect me? Well, thanks to the Monday blog I sometimes remember the  things I write about. Then in math if my teacher decides to talk about it, I will remember the blog I wrote. Of course what i write on my blogs here, sometimes aren't as accurate as i would like them to be. I do, research on what they assign  but like my blogs the internet is also not so accurate. Although many things on this  blog are true. I hope they help people who are struggling with some subjects. 
  This Math blog, has been fun to write. To share my knowledge and the things that I have learned. I can say that I have improved in this class. When I first got on this computer, I could barely type. Now I can type well.  I'm still a little slow but eventually, I will be really fast. All in all, this blog was a great way to memorize Math equations, formulas, and little riddles that have helped me in my math class. I remember things that I wrote about at the beginning of the school year.

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